All vehicles with a gross vehicle mass (GVM) over 12 tonnes and trailers with a gross trailer mass (GTM) over 10 tonnes must be fitted with retroreflective rear marking plates. Buses with a gross vehicle mass over 12 tonnes must also be fitted with rear marking plates but buses fitted with hand grips or similar equipment for standing passengers to hold are exempt from these requirements.
Prime mover and semi-trailer combinations must display the plates at the rear of the semi-trailer.
Rear marking plates may also be fitted to any motor vehicle with less than 12 tonnes gross vehicle mass or to any trailer with less than 10 tonnes gross trailer mass. If your vehicle (meaning the towing vehicle together with the trailer and projecting load) is 7.5 metres long or longer, you may then also have the sign “DO NOT OVERTAKE TURNING VEHICLE” displayed at the rear.
Rear marking plates may also be fitted to light vehicles. However, in certain jurisdictions if the vehicle is less than 7.5
metres long, the plates must not have the words “DO NOT OVERTAKE TURNING VEHICLE”.
Class 1A Pressure Sensitive Reflective Rear Marking Plates are self adhesive plates developed to be applied directly to the vehicle as permitted in the Australian Standard AS4001.2 - 2003